Infrequent ramblings while meandering around the world

Sunday, July 23, 2006

One month ago......

- I was dealing with the roof sh*tshow move in Boston.
- I was still dealing with the CT sh*tshow.
- Trying to transition responsibilities.
- Notifying vendors.
- Trying to basically get the hell out of dodge.
- Updating documentation for the boston LAN and ECS WAN.
- Doing updates to network devices.
- Trying to track and plan for my european shipment.
- Cancelling mail, bills, and settling up things.


- drinking coffee.
- staring at the sea.
- only concern is whether I have enough sunscreen.

There are many ways to live your life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear wonderful Donal. My favorite philosopher/artist. This brought tears to my eyes today. Many ways to live a life -- indeed.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


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